
In addition to being an author, Mrs. Stevens is also a fiction writing coach—for long pieces of fiction only (genres listed below)—and a certified copy editor. If you’re a writer who likes her writing style and would like to get her feedback, she’s happy to critique the first page of your story, provided it’s in the latter stages of production. She does not feel it worthwhile to critique pieces that are in the very rough beginning stages. If this interests you, she will edit one page for free and if you’re satisfied with her feedback you can hire her.

The cost for this service depends on several factors and therefore cannot be stated herein. Mrs. Stevens calculates rates on an individual basis and wants you to know she understands that not everyone has money coming out of their ears.

Acceptable genres:
Paranormal romance
Fantasy romance
Contemporary romance
Sci-fi romance

New Adult

Format: stories should be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12. Paragraphs should be indented. Please omit any headers—such as Chapter 1–from the text. The document must be in Microsoft word format (doc or docx). No exceptions.

Turnaround times vary. Please allow at least a week for her to return first-page samples.

If you have any questions regarding this service, please use the contact form on the website and she will get back to you at her earliest convenience.